Monday, May 18, 2009

Group shots of the gift figures.

Group shots of gift figures.
See pictures below for individual shots and figure information.

The Colonel, Anima Tactics

I painted this to look like Roy from Full Metal Alchemist. I customized & painted this figure for a friend who likes FMA.
I wanted a military look but this figure had an outfit with more “flare” shall we say. It had a frilly shirt, kind of puffy sleeves. Oh ~ and it was in 3 parts with a base too. I put the figure together by drilling holes in separate parts and using a small piece of rod / wire to pin it together with glue and modeling epoxy. I filed down the puffiness of the sleeves on his arms. I rebuilt the arms with the modeling epoxy.

I painted a very simple array on his glove (just a triangle). I really wish I could be more accurate but I could not do the exact detail.
The Colonel, Anima Tactics (

Vandora Waverunner - Pirate

Female pirate painted for a friend.
This pirate looked fun and I could use bright colors. I hand painted the map. I used a map from Lego’s pirate map as a model. I have Lego pirate standing by for comparison. I was a bit afraid to do it but she turned out very nice.
Vandora Waverunner - Pirate, Reaper 03155 sculpetd by Bob Ridolfi

Tristan Loremistress, Reaper

I love this figure. I painted the blue one for myself a long time ago. I painted this one in green for a friend who likes the anime Saiyuki. One of the characters of the anime has a small white dragon.

I think she is supposed to be casting an illusion spell or summoning spell so I painted the effect to look like fire.
Tristan Loremistress, Reaper 02050 sculpted by Sandra Garrity

Finari - Crus Hero, Reaper

Female warrior painted for a friend.
Finari - Crus Hero, Reaper 14093 sculpted by Werner Klocke

Liriel Silverlocks, Reaper

I painted this for a friend. I borrowed some of the detail design from a sample figure on Reaper's website. I wanted to add more details to her once I had the base colors and thought the one on their site looked nice.
Liriel Silverlocks, Reaper 02458 sculpted by Sandra Garrity

Friday, May 15, 2009

Vampire & Coach

Vampire & Coach - Games Workshop

Space Wolf cmdr

Space Wolf cmdr - Games Workshop

Various figures

Various figures: Theif, Falconer & Fighter.



Egyptian Wizard

Egyptian Wizard - Games Workshop

Chinese Dragon

Chinese Dragon


Various Orcs - Games Workshop and Kenzer & Co.


Angel - This is box set of angels from Reaper minis (Guardians of the Heavens set).

Blue Dragon (small)

Blue Dragon (small)


Apothicary - I do not remember the company who created this. I will try to find it and edit with the information. I really like this company's stuff. I have several sets of their stuff.